My success philosophy
If you are not succeeding internally, how will you succeed externally?
There are many different forms of success in this life, but among them the most popular 3 are physical success, financial success, and most importantly mental success, and mental success is the foundation on which real success is built on. The other thing worth noting is that success means something different for practically everyone on this planet. While for some people it means a healthy bank account, and for others it's governed by the accumulation of material wealth. For me personally, I think the best way to measure your success is by the amount of time in each day you spend in contentment while simultaneously achieving your goals. The truth is, if you can be as content sitting in traffic on your morning commute as you are under a palm tree on your annual holiday, then whatever you want to achieve from then on after comes with ease. Once you've reached this level of inner peace, control, and contentment, the things you're creating in your life will naturally flow with your inner world. With a head full of noise your thoughts and dreams are distorted by the fluctuations of the mind, making progress slow and often difficult. With a calm and tranquil mind, you create a blank canvas on which anything you desire can be painted on. This is also the environment where creative spontaneity arises from, housing the development of new ideas and solutions to problems.
The other benefits you cultivate from a content and peaceful mind are slower reactions to triggers and tyrants, more understanding when dealing with clients and staff, better relationships with family and friends, and the list goes on... I've spent a large portion of my life liaising with successful millionaires over the years, and I can count on one hand how many of those people seemed happy with their lives. By taking the time out of each day to work on my inner world, I naturally developed the skills that led me to achieve my goals and dreams over the years, and most importantly do it with a smile on my face.
What does it take to achieve your ultimate goals?
Achieving success is a journey influenced by the magnitude of your aspirations and the challenges you encounter. If genuine success is your pursuit, irrespective of your goals, a dedicated work ethic is vital, there are no shortcuts. Despite what some may say, dedication is more important than motivation in steering you towards your dreams, and the more time you pour into growing as a person the more strength you will have while bearing the weight of the success you desire. As mentioned previously, the key to long-lasting success isn't just found in your degrees and certificates, It's in the more subtle things that make you who you are, such as the ability to stay calm in the face of adversity, the ability to perceive others with a sense of understanding and non-judgment. It's the ability to detach yourself from your thoughts and not get carried away by the atrocities of life, and to do this you have to start with yourself. By developing these important skills through psychological studies, meditation, Qi gong, and other practices, you are able to build a solid foundation on which success can be built on. Once you develop an unbreakable mindset, you are then able to go on to pursue your wildest dreams without the worry of it all crumbling down on you at the first sign of problems. One of the things that made me a good manager and business owner along the way wasn't necessarily being the best in my field on paper, but the ability I had to communicate with people effectively along the way. By creating an environment for people that was pleasant and respectful, they all naturally developed respect for me in return and went on to put in the extra effort to finish our projects on time, thus driving productivity out the roof. I made a point of breaking the stigma that pressure and stress gets things done, and removed an immense amount of problems in doing so.
With my technique for success, we start from the ground up, we develop and strengthen our inner world, and then gradually move this force externally in the pursuit of our goals. Fortunately, you don't have to spend 12 years of your life to accumulate these skills, I've taken the best things I've learned along the way and put them together as a short intense course to help you get to a strong and positive way of life. After you complete the course, you will then have the tools required to continue deepening your understanding and strengthening your abilities on your own accord.
No matter who you are or where you sit on the social ladder, whatever it is you want to achieve is already yours. You just need to unlock your full potential to get there.
If you are currently feeling lost in life and feel you can achieve more than your current situation offers, get in touch today to equip yourself with the tools you need to overcome your obstacles and succeed in your goals.